woman looking through binocularsThen you’ve come to the right place! Hignell Rentals can help with finding an apartment by making apartment searching more fun, as well as helping you answer the question, “how do I find an apartment that is also a great place to live?” Before you even start the process, here are some questions that you should ask yourself.

1. How Do I Find An Apartment That I Can Afford?

It’s simple. First you have to know what your budget looks like. Take a look at your income and approximate expenses, and then decide the maximum you're willing and able to pay for rent. That will help with finding an apartment that's in your price range so you don’t get your hopes up about a place and realize there's no way you can afford it!

2. How Do I Find An Apartment In An Area I Like?

Think about what’s important to you. Maybe you want a short commute time to work, you want to be near a park because you like to run, or you’d prefer to be close to a shopping center to easily run errands. If you’re new to the area you can ask the Chamber of Commerce for help with finding an apartment by getting recommendations, or talk to any friends, coworkers, or acquaintances you already have in town.

3. How Do I Find An Apartment With The Right Amenities?

Make a list of the amenities you can’t live without and the ones you're willing to compromise on. For example, if you have a pet then you definitely need an apartment that accepts pets. If you like the thought of having an exercise room on-site, but already belong to a gym, then you could probably compromise on that. Other important amenities to consider are laundry facilities, parking availability and security. Making a list of amenities will help with finding an apartment because it will narrow down your choices.

4. How Do I Find An Apartment I Want To Visit?

After determining the above, you’re now ready to go tour some apartments. Sure, you could check the local classifieds or Craigslist, but we think our resources at Hignell Rentals are worth a shot too.

Hignell Rentals can help with finding an apartment because you can take a virtual tour of our properties or search for an apartment using criteria you determine. Once you decide the apartments you’d like to tour, call and make an appointment with the apartment manager.

5. How Do I Find An Apartment That Is Safe?

Ask to see the layout of the apartment you’re interested in. For example, if you would like a 2 bedroom 2 bath then the manager should have a model available to show you. As you’re walking through the complex and touring the apartment in Chico, keep an eye and ear out for noisy neighbors and anything that looks like it’s in disrepair. This will help with finding an apartment that's clean, quiet and comfortable.

Hignell Rentals can help with finding an apartment because we make apartment searching more enjoyable!

Visit our apartment search tool to start searching for your next home. 

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