couple sitting on couchThis blog post could be summed up by the golden rule: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Translate this to apply to living in apartments in Chico California: “be the kind of neighbor that you would want living next to you.”

We’ve written about how to deal with difficult neighbors, but what if you are the difficult neighbor and just don’t know it? To keep this from happening we have 3 main tips about how to be a good neighbor.

Living in apartments in Chico California means you are in close proximity to other people. If you can hear their conversations, smell their cooking, and feel the beat from their music then they can hear, smell, and feel what you’re doing too. There are ways to be a good neighbor to the people living above, below or beside you and to everyone living in the complex as a whole. 

1.  Be Approachable

It sounds cheesy, but sometimes a smile and a hello is all it takes to break the ice with someone. Most people living in apartments in Chico California are friendly, but some might be shy which comes off as rude. Introduce yourself to your neighbors and say hi in passing. Maybe they’re waiting for you to make the first move because they’re afraid to. Maybe they’re just stuck in their own little world to even notice you haven’t made contact with each other. Being on good terms and knowing that you both exist can help open the door if there’s an issue or either of you needs help later on.

2.  Be Considerate

Excessive noise levels are one of the top complaints apartments managers hear. There will be times when you have people over and you stay up late having a good time. If you have a pet they will bark. If you have kids they will scream. There are everyday chores that need to happen, like cleaning and cooking. But when you are doing these things, be conscience of your noise level and how it might be affecting those living around you. Consider other factors too, such as if you live in an upstairs apartment, if it’s a weeknight or weekend, if your windows are open which can amplify the noise level, and the time of day.

 As best practices try:

  • Walking and talking softly when going up and down the stairs.
  • Not slamming cupboards or doors.
  • Avoiding excessive jumping or stomping.
  • Turning down the music or television after 10 p.m. or placing electronics on a wall that is not shared with another tenant.
  • Vacuuming, turning on loud appliances, or re-hanging pictures during the day.
  • Having “quiet time” rules for your kids. For example, no running or screaming after dinner.
  • Making sure Fido gets enough attention and has plenty of play time.
  • Being reasonable if your neighbor knocks on your door and asks you to be quiet.

3.  Be Clean

There’s nothing worse than living near a slob and having to see a mess every time you come home. “Clean” is probably a relative term when it comes to living in apartments in Chico California – after all one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right? – but here are some general things you can do:

  • Throw away garbage right away instead of setting the trash bag outside to take out next time you leave.
  • When you do take out your trash, make sure it actually gets into the dumpster.
  • Recycle any bottles and cardboard boxes instead of storing them on your patio.
  • Keep your plants watered or toss any that have died.
  • Make it a point to sweep your porch of dirt and debris.
  • If you’re a smoker, don’t leave your cigarette butts lying around.
  • If you have kids, help them pick up their toys so they aren’t strewn about.
  • Consider a welcome mat – they can set the tone for your apartment!

These are just three ways that you can be a good neighbor living in apartments in Chico California. Just remember to treat others the way you want to be treated, or in other words, be the type of neighbor you would like someone else to be. For more rental living tips subscribe to our blog or visit our Rental Resource page!