Two children dressed up in costumes for HalloweenAre you looking for a family-friendly event to go to during the day on Halloween, and maximize your child’s intake of candy? Then Treat Street is perfect for your family! If there's one thing that we can count on Chico for, it's that its constantly providing amazing local events that are always a hit. Aren’t you thankful you're living in Chico? Keep on reading for the details.

When and Where?

Treat Street is on Wednesday, October 31st from 2 to 5 p.m, held in Downtown Chico. While streets will be open to traffic, crossing guards will be on hand to help. The candy is distributed by local downtown businesses that have chosen to participate in the fun-filled event (nearly 100 businesses have signed up to participate). Look for posters that read “Treats Here” in windows and doors of the downtown businesses. When you find those businesses, you'll also find their employees outside the doors handing out candy to children who are dressed up in costume.


Treat Street is for children 12 years of age and younger. Children are required to wear a costume and to have an adult chaperone. Even though the Chico Rotary Club members will be there to help keep the crosswalks safe, every child must be accompanied by an adult.  

Is There A Costume Contest?

Of course there's a costume contest! Registration is from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in City Plaza and it costs $5 to enter. The contest will be in groups: 03, 4-7, 8-12, and family/group. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category will receive a prize pack. All of the prizes are donated by business' downtown! The 1st place winners will get featured in an Ad on November 8th in Chico News and Review. 

Are There Other Things Besides Trick or Treat?

Absolutely! The Chico Police Department and Chico Fire Department will be on hand with safe trick-or-treating tips. There will also be lots of activities, entertainment, and informational booths located in the heart of downtown, The City Plaza.

More details to come, continue to check on the DCBA event page!


Doesn’t all of this sound like fun? So mark your calendars now to attend Treat Street and start planning your family’s costumes. For more information on local events check our Events Page on the Living in Chico website. We blog about apartment living and local Chico events we know and love.
