woman holding pillows over earsThere are so many perks to apartment living, but sharing a wall with your neighbors usually doesn't make the list (unless you are best friends with them).

It's a silent understanding that you won't always find peace and quiet within your apartment, but you will find it at certain times of the day. Yet with everyone working from home nowadays those moments of peace and quiet can be found few and far between. While thinking of how to solve this noise level, you've probably began searching how to soundproof your apartment, but we can almost guarantee they aren't all damage proof. 

Renting an apartment requires you to think extra hard about any changes you want to make throughout the place as you'll have to undo it when you move out. If they can't easily be removed or evidence is left behind you'll get charge for the amount it costs to get the apartment back to it's former look. Essentially you're waving goodbye to the security deposit you were hoping to get back one day. 

We've made the search and solution easy for you! We found 4 very simple and completely removable, as close to damage proof as you can get, ways you can soundproof your apartment. Gain back your peace and quiet!

4 Removable Ways to Soundproof Your Apartment

Written by Kacie Goff
Posted by MyMove.com

It’s as simple as this: Noise travels. Soundproofing your space gives noise fewer and less clear paths with which to do so. Soft and uneven surfaces absorb sound waves, while flat ones bounce that noise right back to you. The four simple tips below give you tools to absorb sound so you can enjoy your life in peace.

1. Fill up a bookshelf

A bookshelf can insulate you from your neighbor’s noise.

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That college degree proves itself useful yet again: Large stacks of textbooks can be used for more than gathering dust. If you and your loud neighbor have a shared wall, push a bookcase against it. The larger the bookcase, the less sound will get through.

Of course, to be effective, you need to maximize the sound-absorbing material on that bookshelf. What better than the irregular shape of a stack of books? Gather up all of your reading material and slide it onto the shelf. The pressed pages are ideal for stopping sound.

While you might love the look of open space on a bookshelf, save it for un-shared walls. Open space acts like a door, giving sound waves a funnel into your apartment.

2. Hang tapestries and curtains

A textured wall hanging dampens sound.

You don’t have to crowd your apartment with bulky furniture to put an end to your neighbor’s noise. Adding soft, thick fabrics to your walls will similarly help dampen sound. Floor-to-ceiling curtains are ideal.

If you don’t have many windows, turn to the still-trending woven wall hanging. You can make your own or purchase one. Either way, the soft, non-uniform texture of a fiber wall hanging will block outside sound and create a more zen space.

[Continue to original article to read the last 2 ways to soundproof!]

Now you know four different ways to soundproof your apartment that won't be difficult to remove if or when you ever move out! 

Other Ways to Soundproof Your Apartment

A few other ways you can soundproof your apartment without damaging it, though they won't all be aesthetically pleasing. 

Draft Stopper: You can either purchase one or make your own, but this will be placed on the floor across the gap where your door doesn't actually meet the ground. Apartment doors are already hallow allowing sound to come through them easily. Placing a draft stopper will stop any more sound coming through from under your door. 

Hang Door Curtains: Add some extra layers to your front door or bedroom door (loud roommates), use thick window curtains or even black out curtains. When closed they will help to absorb or muffle sounds that pass through the door.

Approach Your Neighbor With Kindness: You can also approach your neighbor kindly asking them if they could keep it down during certain times of the day or one evening a week. It's not a guarantee your neighbor will say yes, but you have a better shot if you ask them kindly instead of starting off angrily about the extra noise. 


Not happy with the level of noise in your apartment and looking to make a switch to somewhere better? Check out our available units today!