Scam on a pile of hundred dollar billsWhen you're rental searching, we understand that you're looking for the best bang for your buck. One that fits within your move-in timeline. One that has everything you need in a living environment and so much more. That's a lot to juggle!

It also doesn't help that with every rental search you make you'll come across a few that aren't even real (they're a scam!). With scams becoming more popular now than ever online, it's important to make sure you're keeping yourself safe while trying to find the rental of your dreams.

At we try to do everything that we can to make sure you are equipped with the knowledge and know-how on having the best rental search experience possible. This includes making sure that you are taking the right steps to avoid scams. Here's an article that we found that gives great tips on how to avoid the oh-so-popular rental scam.

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How to Avoid Apartment and Condo Rental Scams

Way Too Good to Be True

If you’re searching for a new pad online, there’s one truth that you must make peace with: rent is going to be a big chunk of your monthly budget. You get what you pay for and there’s just no way around it — which is why “too good to be true” listings should always be a red flag.

Great photos? Awesome. Great location? Even better. Great price? Now we’re stepping into suspicious territory. That last point — affordability — is the real clincher, as scammers often use impossibly low price points to attract as many potential victims as possible.

Another manifestation of “too good to be true” is the promise of no credit or background checks. Most reputable property managers want to make sure that their tenants are respectable to a degree, so it’s rare that they will forego the checking process except on a case-by-case basis.

Like this tip? Then read the rest of the article “How to Avoid Apartment and Condo Rental Scams” to get the rest of the tips so that rental scammers don’t stand a chance against you!

Don’t let the potential of scams let the fun of searching through rentals in Chico disappear. We have great rentals throughout town that have wonderful amenities at various price points. What you don’t have to worry about while using are scams. We created this search website to ensure that we have complete control over what you see.

Start searching today, because you never know, you might just find a rental that you will fall in love with!