Apartment searching can be a pain. There are so many options here in Chico, and trying to find quality information in the newspaper or even online can be hard to come by. That's why Living in Chico has made apartment searching easier, with you in mind. Keep on reading for a step-by-step guide to finding our lists of availabilities by apartment complex and where to apply online.

After landing on LivingInChico.com, it's time to start searching through our beautiful apartments.
1. Click Property Search in the top navigation. You will then be lead to an Apartment Search.
2. Click on the apartment that you are interested in. You will be taken to a page that gives you all the information you would ever want to know about that specific apartment.
3. Scroll down and then click on Click here to apply.
4. Choose the floor plan you're interested in. Click Availability.
5. You will then see the apartments that are available for that specific floor plan. It displays the apartment number, the square footage, the rent, and the deposit.
6. Click select when you decide which apartment you would like to apply for.
7. Fill out the online application and voila! You are done.
At Living in Chico we like to make our potential and current residents happy, which is why we keep our information up-to-date, give quality pictures and video tours, write blog articles about apartment living, and offer free eBooks as more resources to make your experience better. We strive to make apartment searching funner!