enjoy your life pinned to cork boardWhere you call home can be a reflection of your place in life. This morning I came across this lovely quote:

"Anything one does every day is important and imposing and anywhere one lives is interesting and beautiful."
- Gertrude Stein

It made me think of the different Chico rental properties I’ve lived in. Some have been better than others, but they have all been interesting and beautiful in their own way. I’m sure you have both good and bad memories in the rental properties you’ve lived in as well. Sometimes it can be fun to reminisce and look back at where you've lived to remind you where you were in life and how far you’ve come.

The College Years

This should be more like college year, singular. I lived at home the first year and a half of college then moved into an apartment with a good friend I knew and trusted. That experience was great. It was living near all the other college students that wasn’t.

I can remember many a noisy night of loud music, even louder neighbors, and no consideration whatsoever. I wish I had known how to deal with difficult neighbors at the time, instead of just ignoring them and letting them get away with it. Luckily, I wasn’t there much between classes and three jobs. It wasn’t long before I got engaged and moved home to save money and plan the wedding.

As a Newlywed

Once I got married my husband and I moved across town to another apartment. Chico rental properties at the south end of town are great because you have shopping, restaurants and grocery stores all within walking distance.

Living together with your significant other for the first time is fun and exciting because you have your first place together as a couple. It seems like pure bliss decorating together, cleaning together, and enjoying apartment amenities like the fitness room and pool together…until it’s not! After awhile the bliss wears off and you start feeling cramped. You love each other of course, but you’d like each other a lot more if you had more space.

Wishing for a Lottery Win

So we moved to a duplex. We were still renting, but that was okay – we couldn’t afford a home yet unless we had won the lottery anyway. Renting the duplex was great. We had more room, a decent size back patio, a garage, and a large grassy area. We often rode our bikes to Bidwell Park and enjoyed having the room to host Superbowl parties. But it was old, as are many Chico rental properties.

Old doesn’t equal bad, but it never truly felt like home and after awhile we started getting anxious again. The stars aligned and we were able to start house hunting. We purchased our first home, which as it turned out was a Chico rental property before we bought it. I don’t regret buying our home, but in hindsight I see that there are many benefits of renting too.

There are many great Chico rental properties available in our community. Whether you want to live near the park, good shopping, or find a pet friendly place, Chico has a lot to offer.

Wherever you live can be made to feel like home and will have its own unique, beautiful and interesting memories you’ll look back on someday.