halloween costumesYou either love dressing up for Halloween and plan out your costume months ahead of time or you don’t think you’re doing anything for Halloween until last minute and scramble to find a costume.

If you fall into the latter of the two mentioned above then we're here to help you. We have quick and easy costume ideas that will have you ready for any party or trick-or-treating event you attend. Just find the category you want to be part of and select your costume!

Punny Costumes

Chip on Shoulder

You’ve heard the saying “he’s/she’s got a chip on his/her shoulder,” well now you can literally have a chip on your shoulder! All you need is some yellow construction paper. Cut the paper into an oval shape and then fold it into little lines to look like a Ruffle chip! You can also purchase a plastic chip from Party City - or what the heck, use a real one! You might need a snack later.

Leaf Blower

This is one of the simplest (and maybe cheesiest) costumes ever, but if you’re with people with a sense of humor you’ll get a good laugh. All you need is a string and a leaf, real or fake, it doesn’t matter. Cut a little hole at one end of the leaf and pull the string through. Tie the string around your head leaving the leaf hanging over one of your eyes, like an eye patch. Then when someone asks what you are, blow some air up near the leaf making it move, and say, “I’m a leaf blower!”

Life Gives You Lemons

This can be as simple as you want. Either purchase a name tag and write “Life” on it and stick it to your shirt or grab a shirt you don’t mind writing on and write in big letters with a sharpie “Life.” Find a store and purchase a bag of lemons. Hand them out to people! Thus, life gives you lemons. 

Identify Thief

All you need is a packet of name tags. Write random names on them and stick them all over the front and back of your shirt. Now you’re an identity thief!

Party Animal

This punny costume can be done two different ways depending on how you want to dress. The first way is to purchase a giant t-shirt with an animal’s face on it. Ladies, if you want to wear it as a dress get a large or x-large - you can find some awesome ones here. Then all you need is a party hat and you're good to go!

Second way, wear all black or an animal print shirt and find yourself a pair of animal ears, tail or mask, wrap some streamers around you and grab some balloons.

party animal

Everyday People

Disney Tourist

Ever feel like all your Disney related items, whether they be shirts, hats, ears, etc. aren’t for wearing except when in the park? Now you can! Dress up in every single Disneyland or Disney World thing you own and go as a crazy tourist!


If it isn’t too cold, then being a lifeguard is simple and easy. You can even be more specific and go as a Baywatch lifeguard, all you need is a red one piece or board shorts. Extra points if you grab a life savor float to carry around or a red fanny pack!


Characters/Real People

Tom Cruise from Risky Business

This costume works for both men and women. All you need is a white long-sleeved button up, boxers, white tube socks, and a pair of black sunglasses! Then you can slide into whichever party you go to in style.

Wednesday Addams

Ladies, this one is for you. Go as Wednesday from The Addams Family or as she would tell you, “a homicidal manic, they look just like everyone else.” Her character is in an almost all-black outfit: black dress with a white color, black tights, black shoes, black lipstick and some simple pigtail braids! 


Overalls and a plaid shirt go a long way to making you look like a farmer, but if you add some face makeup like this you’ll become a scarecrow! You can also add a straw hat and some straw sticking out of your pockets.

Rosie the Riveter

Once again, this is a lady’s costume. An all denim outfit with a red bandanna will give you the basics to looking like the classic 1950’s working girl. Spice it up a bit with a denim shirt rolled up to the elbows, a pair of denim overalls, and your hair in a bun with your red bandanna tied around your head. Finish the look off with some roughed up working boots and you’ll be the face of a poster!

rose the riveter

The Brawny Man 

Gentlemen, this one is for you. The Brawny Man is the face of the paper towel brand, wearing a basic red plaid long sleeve looking like your basic lumberjack man, without the ax.

So, don't get scared if you suddenly have Halloween plans and no costume to wear! You can get creative on a dime and still have a good time.

Happy Costume Making!

Check out our North State Living page for more fun things you can do this fall season!