At Living in Chico we think our properties are the best and we want you to think so too. If you're currently searching for an apartment for you to move to, or maybe you are helping a friend search for an apartment, we have the complex for you.
1661 Forest Avenue has so much to offer to our residents. From the manicured grounds to convenient location, this complex is perfect for you to call home.
One of the greatest benefits of living in an apartment is that you can utilize the various amenities that are right there on the property. Here are some of the amenities that you could be using as a resident of 1661:
To check out the rest of the amenities for a complete list click here.
To help you get to know this property, Living in Chico has provided a video tour. In this tour you will see not only the clubhouse, the amenities and the grounds, you'll also get a sneak peek of inside one of the units!
We love showing off this complex. Here are a few pictures to show you the comfort that you can have as a resident of 1661.
To get to know our manager at 1661, check out our blog we wrote to meet Derrick. Our managers care for our properties to make sure our residents have the best experiences possible.
Now it's time to apply to 1661 Forest Avenue apartments. Our online application process at Living in Chico is easy and convenient. To get more information on the process, download our free e-book below to help get your paperwork and information in order before you start!