Enter LivingInChico.com. We created this company to ensure that your apartment searching needs are all met in one central location. One of resources we have to help improve your search experience are video tours.
In the guided video tours, you'll start in various places of each complex, but you'll be shown all main aspects of the property. That’s right, you will get to see the amenities, take a peek inside the clubhouse, peruse the grounds and gander inside the units. Take a look around Amanda Place below!
These videos help you get an idea of what it feels like in each complex without having to visit the physical location. That means you don’t have to take the time to go to several different complexes unless you want to. After watching the videos and learning more about the apartments, you can narrow down the amount of in-person apartment tours, which saves you more precious time.
They are just funner than other virtual video tours! Your tour guide Michael, is entertaining, knowledgeable, and just a dash of cheesy to keep you watching. He loves to show off our various apartments that you can call home.
After seeing this list of reasons why you should check out the video tours, it's time to get to watching them! Living in Chico has wonderful resources that help you learn all the intimate details about our apartments, and prompt you to take the next step to completing your apartment search. Sounds easy right?